
Post marked as solved
10 Replies
Exact same issue here. Looking at the logs, it appears the issue might be related to <CKError 0x60000015a400: "Internal Error" (1/5000); "Failed to sync user keys"> as almost every line with an error has that message. Edit: I meant to comment instead of answer.
Post not yet marked as solved
1 Replies
Looks like everything just went back up.
Post not yet marked as solved
5 Replies
Not sure if this helps (pretty sure it doesn't change the keyboard from my testing), but .textContentType(.[TYPE OF CONTENT]) appears to have the same selections and UIKit did and changes the autocorrection's pickiness. However, in my testing using the phone number option, I was unable to actually get the numpad to open up. Example below:Group { TextField($username, placeholder: Text("Username")) .textContentType(.username) SecureField($password, placeholder: Text("Password")) .textContentType(.password) }EDIT:Below is a link to Apple's documentation regarding textContentType()'s implementation in UIKit, saying "When you provide this information about the content you expect users to enter in a text input area, the system can in some cases automatically select an appropriate keyboard and improve keyboard corrections and proactive integration with other text input opportunities."